Ausschreibung Stipendium Hertie School of Governance

31. 12. 2016

Auch für 2017 schreibt die Hertie School ein Stipendium in Höhe der vollen Studiengebühren von 29,500 Euro für Deutsche in internationalen bzw. europäischen Organisationen aus:


The Hertie School of Governance invites German professionals from international organisations or European institutions who are registered with CommIO to apply for the CommIO Scholarship for the next programme start of the Executive Master of Public Administration (Executive MPA) in September 2017.


The Executive MPA is an international executive master programme for professionals from the public, private, and non profit sectors. The fully accredited programme provides expertise and additional qualifications in Management, Governance and Leadership and can be completed in 1 year full-time or 2 years part-time (modular entry possible by way of Executive Seminars & Certificates). Located in Berlin, vibrant hub of European political dialogue, the Hertie School of Governance attracts renowned faculty and experienced professionals from all sectors in Europe and abroad. Participants travel to the block courses from places as far away as Arusha, Oslo, Washington D.C., or Moscow. Exchange programmes with Copenhagen Business School (CBS), ESCP Europe, etc. allow students to visit courses at these schools and vice versa.

The Executive MPA CommIO Scholarship is offered in partnership with the Auswärtiges Amt (German Foreign Office) to one exceptional candidate each year. Worth 29,500 EUR, the scholarship covers the complete tuition fees for the Executive MPA programme at the Hertie School. The funds will be granted with a view to the quality of the application, the contribution of the applicant to the diversity of the student body as well as his/her financial need.

Applications are accepted until 15 March 2017.